Thursday, January 21, 2010


A good friend of mine called me Rachel today. Given the evolution I am going through, I think its actually appropriate to take a new name. So Rachel it is!

In all seriousness, I am continuing to be invigorated by a groundswell of people having the courage to pursue their heart and reinvent themselves. I met with someone this afternoon who made the leap and he was beaming. I mentioned to him that I am seeing more and more of this and he asked if I think its generational. I'm really starting to think it is. I think my age group (which will remain unidentified!) is willing to take risks to find joy, happiness and health. It is a super scary decision to make, but I can wholeheartedly say it is worth it.

So... my challenge to whomever may be reading this.... are you listening to your heart? I guarantee it has the wisest voice you'll ever hear and if you follow its guidance, you won't be disappointed. You just have to drop the fear and dial up the optimism. Go for it! The only thing you have to lose is your self ;-) No biggie. Most of us lose that at several points in our lives anyway so take a risk!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fear... What is it good for...

Absolutely nothing!

Ok, not entirely true. I have been grappling with fear the past several weeks and really seeing how prevalent it is in so many people's lives (and how much people use it to base their decision making process, which is not a great filter). I've also seen where it serves us and where it doesn't.

I have made a very conscious decision to put it aside and am amazed how great things are without it. Same circumstances, but without the stress and a lot more emotional space to for passion and excitement. It's so much more healthy and productive.

That said, a little fear isn't too bad. In my case, it has helped motivate me to get out and talk to lots of people. But without proper management, it could be completely paralyzing and lead to self fulfilling prophecies.

So it's good for something, but has to be put in it's place.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010- If we build it...

The symbolic turning of the new year and decade has completely energized me. I've had lots of coffee dates over the past few weeks and am hearing an unanimous cry for something new and inspired. We saw a first glimpse of this with the Obama campaign. His rally for change and hope tapped what I believe people have been seeking for quite some time. There was excitement in the air.

But with the realities of what it takes to make change (time!), it feels like this inspiration has fizzled over the past year. So here we are again, waiting for an inspirational moment in the world. Hoping to have more meaning in our work. Wishing corporate America had more heart. Looking for more simplicity. And an interesting gravitation toward health and wellness.

My challenge to myself and those around me is to keep up the desire to have an amazing year (and decade). If we build it, it will happen. So this requires everyone to have a positive attitude. To keep an optimistic eye on what we dream of. To ask the universe for what we want. To share with one another and collaborate around healthy things. To laugh. To brainstorm. To dream. To abandon fear and make room for the belief that everything is going to be amazing.

I know this borders cheesy, but I truly believe if we all stay inspired and relentless about having a great year, we will.

So let's do it! Here's to 2010 and deeming the next decade the inspired age.